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From Cow to Cone: Meet APPLEBY FARMS Ice Cream.

Betcha you can’t take just one slurp of Appleby Farms Ice Cream. Especially not the marbled pink, sweet and juicy Boysenberry. It’s just one of the seven flavors the New Zealand-based company founded by two farming families have become known for over the past few years.

At Appleby Farms Ice Cream, you can trace your ice cream from cow to cone because the farmers feeding, caring for and milking the cows are also the people creating the high-quality ice cream. “It’s farming like it should be, with family living off the land and doing the right thing,” says Appleby Farms CEO Mike Brown.

Appleby Farms Ice Cream is also unique in that it’s the only New Zealand ice cream company exporting A2 milk ice cream. A2 milk comes from cows that produce milk with A2 protein. Thousands of years ago, almost all cows produced A2 protein milk. But today, in part due to breeding, most milk contains A1 protein. There’s a number of studies that show that A1 protein can trigger adverse digestive symptoms in some people, symptoms sometimes mistaken as lactose intolerance. It may be that ice cream made with only A2 milk protein is more readily digestible for those with a sensitivity to A1 milk protein.

From Cow to Cone

New Zealand neighbors Murray King and Julian Raine come from a long line of dairy farmers. For more than 175 years, their families looked over 300 hectares of lush green pastures. In 2017, as they were considering complementary ways to ensure the sustainability of their farms, they partnered with food technologist and ex-Tip Top ice cream maker Kristy Giles to develop what is today one of New Zealand’s fastest growing ice cream brands.

But their love for ice cream has never detracted them from their initial commitment to ensuring the sustainability of their farming practices. Recycling water throughout the year, developing wetlands, composting and planting trees to encourage birdlife are just some examples of the many ways Appleby’s farmers minimize the ecological footprint of their farms. To help others do the same, 10% of their annual profit is invested in sustainable farming initiatives and environmental projects in their local region of Nelson.

The Secret of ice cream alchemy

Appleby Farms Ice Cream currently has seven flavors of ice cream available, including their top three best sellers: Vanilla Bean, Salted Caramel and Chocolate Brownie. All of their products are carefully crafted: made from their creamy A2 milk, they are high in fat with low overrun. Only the highest quality of ingredients is selected and locally sourced when possible, such as their specially baked gluten-free brownie and berries also grown by the farmers. It is no wonder that Appleby Farms products are multiple-time award winners of the New Zealand Ice Cream Manufacturers Association and the Outstanding NZ Food Producers’ gold and silver medals.

Recipe for Growth

Whether consumers try Appleby Farms Ice Cream for the first time for the A2 aspect or for the nostalgic traditional flavors, they come back for the taste and the high-quality experience. And they do so often! With sales trending at a 35+per cent growth rate, Appleby’s distribution now reaches nearly 200 outlets throughout New Zealand and the same in Australia; they can also be found in the Singapore market.

While the brand is reminiscent of a nostalgic, gentler time, innovation remains at the heart of their growth strategy. Every summer, new flavors are introduced into their food service 5L format, and the top two flavors most loved by consumers are then converted into retail sizes: 120ml, 470ml, and 850ml.

Requested support from the INNODELICE network?

Appleby Farms Ice Cream is ready to start exporting their products to the rest of the world, with a focus on South East Asia, Middle East and North America. They're open to working with key partners in various ways to meet their expansion goals abroad and by growing the stores where their products are available. In North America specifically, they’re looking for retail partners interested in introducing their brand.

How to start collaborating with APPLEBY FARMS ice cream?

To learn more about the Appleby Farms Ice Cream and to know how to work with them in 2021 and beyond, have a look at their products on INNODELICE's BRANDS platform and reach out. We will happily put you in touch with their team and make introductions!

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Founded by former executives in the Ice Cream industry, INNODELICE aims to create a worldwide ecosystem of solutions within the frozen dessert industry. Thanks to the relationships fostered by INNODELICE, manufacturers, brands, importers, distributors and suppliers can discover, buy and sell solutions to GROW their business. These solutions include co-manufactured and branded products as well as innovative and competitive ingredients, packaging and services. Our collaboration model generates lower costs and fewer risks for our participating partners while optimising their time to market. To learn more about INNODELICE, contact Nicolas MARIE (, Andrea MONTREUIL ( or visit

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